Ortho Pantomo Gram (OPG)

It is also known as Panoramic Radiography or Rotational Radiography. It produces a single image of the facial structures including both maxillary & mandibular arches with their supporting structures and the entire dentures.


Advantages :
Broad anatomic region is imaged.
Low radiation dose.
Convenient, easy and fast. The entire procedure takes 14 seconds expsure time.
Procedure can be performed on patients who cannot open their mouth.
Easy for edentulous patients, patients who do not tolerate intraoral procedure well, patients with multiple tooth / Oral pathology.
No overlapping of facial bones.

Indications :
Evaluation of trauma, third molar, extensive pathology.
Evaluation of tooth development especially mixed dentation analysis.
Evaluation of development anomlies like cleft palate.
Minimal fluid inmaxillary sinus can be caught in his X-ray.
Temporo mandibular joint pathology, dislocation or fractures can be clearly visualized without overlap.
Styloid process visualization is very easily achieved.
Multiple dental/oral problems caused by tobacco/Pan masala chewing in elders & Chocolates in children are caught by a single X-ray.
Gross localization of Nasal Cavity/Ethomodial sinus/Maxillary sinus tumors & other paathology can be done at a very low price compared to the CT/MRI.


OPG is very useful for following faculties :
Fascio Maxillary Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Cancer Surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery
ENT Surgery
Nursing Home Dealing in Trauma.

Ortho Pantomo Gram (OPG)
Technical Details